Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Ooooh JAWS !!!!!!

Today i just finished writing my book review on Jaws.Its pretty interesting and a cool book by my opinion.Just looking at the front cover makes me want to read.It is pretty complete because it doesnt focus on the shark alone but the ppl as well in the town (Amity-sounds reall interesting, NOT). Jaws is cool cause

)the details on the shark

2)the language used (not recommended for small children ^^)

3)the descriptive1 scenes (cough cough get my driff ^^ if you dont well.....)

Anyway, i will be gonna write bout some stuff dat i rediscoved in my next post. Hopefully you will enjoy it.(clue: its bout a boy and a tiger)

Oh yeah, please leave some comments cause i wanna know who is reading it.
(please dun be the ISA)

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